Apparently, this is the anti-aging beauty secret used amongst the woman in China. And I mean, we all know how gorgeous their skin is and how well they age!
So here it is:
Take some ground powder green tea. Add some white tea and lemon juice to make it into a paste like consistency. Use it all over the face as a mask. Let it sit for a while. Rinse with warm water and pat your face dry.
So why would this work? You know enough about me by now to know that I need some sort of scientific backing for these types of claims. Well...
Green tea, as we know, is a very powerful anti-oxidant. So all that stress and pollution that takes a toll on our skin by use of free radicals can be minimized by not only ingesting anti-oxidants, but also using them topically.
White tea is also a power anti-oxidant and works in the same way to prevent premature aging from all that life throws at us.
Lemon juice - as in my last post, helps with discoloration and hyper-pigmentation, thereby promoting even skin tone.
So there you have it! I haven't given this one a try just yet - but will keep you posted on what I think once I try it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it also.
Oh and want to maximize the effects? It doesn't hurt to add a cup of green or white tea to your daily menu. Why not fight aging in all ways possible?
Cheers to being young forever - on the inside and out! :)